Grammarly OAuth handling
Hi, so I am working on integrating the premium features of Grammarly by adding OAuth for people to connect their accounts. I have setup everything from reading the Grammarly docs here And have cloned the repo from the person that initially started creating the plugin. I feel that I am very close to solving this. I have looked at other posts where they are handling OAuth from this google photos and evernote. And looking at their code on GitHub it seems they both have a URL to call for OAuth, but when I use the Grammarly tool, it is pre-built when you enable it on your Grammarly app instance.
So the only new thing I added to the initial code was a redirect uri, which seems to work well. Because it takes me through the flow without any errors to my knowledge. And in the obsidian console, I am getting this message.
Which I think is from my redirect uri I set here:
host?.setAttribute("config.oauthRedirectUri", "obsidian://open?");
So from the console log, are those the creds that Grammarly is sending back? Or is this just opening the app?
Do I need to add an event listener for users clicking on the Connect your Grammarly account? I know I am missing something fundamental to OAuth.
I would appreciate any advice. This is my first time doing a plugin and open source.