Same need here. +1 to this request
+1. As an editor on a vault-based, this should be a core function.
+1 for this!
+ 1;
Especially it would be great to have some “iterate over notes” checkbox option,
where we now have opened “Search & replace in current file”, and with ticked checkbox, “Next” could iterate over consecutive notes in the vault
+1 to this request
+1 to this!
+1 to this request
+1 for this feature
It makes you replace one by one, though
+1 (today I have to use workarounds with VSCode or Notepad++, not so funny)
+1 for this feature please
Please bring this feature… so many upvotes already
Absolutely essential feature…
+1 to all the comments echoed here
I would also love to do this on a selective basis, not just a global one. For example, to perform a find and replace on all notes in a specific folder or with the tag #updatethisnote or something like that.
My case: undergoing a product rebranding, need to change the brand name across all files.
Another case: 1–2 years ago, Obsidian changed the view mode so that it now makes more sense to not place empty lines between paragraphs and headers. Obviously, the legacy notes are rendered with excessive margin/white space. A bulk approach to trimming that would be nice (although that’s actually a once-and-for-all thing, so could be done with an external bash/python script)
I think if obsidian wants to be something like a swiss army knife for notes, this really is an essential.
Opening another app for this is quite annoying and too complicated on mobile devices.
I use sed
on Linux now, but this is not a real solution
Yet another +1 (along with native regex support). I can do this with an external app and/or plugins, but it seems like it should be a core feature.
As a new user I am truly astonished to discover that this isn’t a feature.
I use global search & replace so often in other editors that I’ve used for notes in my life. I consider this a basic feature of any multi-file editor, regardless of its purpose.
- Want to standardize all instances of " → " to " " ?
- Want to standardize all instances of " - " to “—” ?
- Want to standardize all spellings of “realise” to “realize” ?
- Have notes on code and want to change all instances of a class name to a new class name?
I would think a lot of potential users would turn away quickly on finding a basic feature like this isn’t present.