Github Username Change

Hello, I’ve tried to get answers on the Obsidian discord and dms but haven’t gotten a response, so I thought I’d try here.

I have a plugin that is already in the community list but I want to change my github username. I’m worried that might cause issues for the users of my plugin. Currently, in the community-plugins.json the repo for my project is pointed towards holxsam/tldraw-in-obsidian but if I change my Github username now the repo will live at newusername/tldraw-in-obsidian which the community-plugins.json won’t reflect.

Github will update all the forks and still redirect the old holxsam/tldraw-in-obsidian towards newusername/tldraw-in-obsidian so in theory it should still work but just to make sure, will I need to create a new pull request and edit my plugin entry in community-plugins.json? And if I do, will that reset the downloads counter and other meta data associated with my plugin?

Thank you for you time.

I don’t see your question on the discord, and sending DM’s for this kind of question is against our Code of Conduct.

Just let us know of the new username by opening a PR to change the file.
Nothing will reset, that would only happen if you changed the id.

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It was a while ago. Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t know :frowning: Won’t happen again.

Awesome thank you for the clarification!

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