Git workflow with multiple collaborators/students

Things I have tried

Searched through the forums for similar topics, but nothing adequately matching.

What I’m trying to do

I am looking to have a central vault that will be available to a group through publish. I’m a beginner with Git and looking to sync a primary vault.

This is part of an educational workflow with the central vault meant to be an educational repository. Students will be able to clone a branch of the main vault and contribute to saved notes as a feature branch which would later be merged to a development branch. An assistant will review all the feature branches and merge them with the master every other week. Looking for any sage advice for optimizing workflow and being aware of any pitfalls.

Hi, @JJ72.

Obsidian Git is an awesome plugin that will automatically push and pull changes.

Once you set up the repo for your main vault (via Github Desktop or command line) and configure the plugin, your notes will be synced with GitHub. Students will be able to do the same for their branches.

Does this help?


Thanks, this definitely a great start!
At the end of the day I will just have to plunge in and embrace mistakes :wink:

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