I am having trouble getting the metadata to work at the top of the page. Whatever I do, the metadata still shows but does not work. Obvious something I haven’t learned yet.
What I’m trying to do
What I want to do is create a dashboard following the instructions from here
Things I have tried
What I have done so far
created and added a dashboard.css to myvault/.obsidian/snippets/dashboard.css
activated the dashboard.css snippet
opened a new note and added my content
I put the metadata at the top right after the title
I turned off Show Inline Title
I tried using three dashes — but ended up with horizontal lines
I tried putting a backslash in front -– which got rid of the horizontal lines but the metadata is still not working.
I have now tried three ticks ``` . Still no good.
the dashes have to be the very first things in the document. you may have some characters appearing before them. I have in the past sometimes had examples not work when I pasted in from a site as it included some unwanted invisible stuff. It’s worth looking at the document in source mode to verify what’s going on.
just opened a brand new note
at the very top I typed three dashes, went to next line to add cssclass: and it turned to a horizontal line.
I am at the top of the note (apart from the note title which is now hidden. Inactivated show inline title)
One thing to check is your keyboard layout, international settings, and/or your OS text replacement settings. Make sure you are actually inputting --- and not other characters. Your OS may be changing --- to an en – dash, em — dash, or similar (though I’m not sure those would create a horizontal rule/line).
It’s working now.
I created a new vault - TestVault, and it works. the difference I noticed was when adding the metadata it showed Properties which made it easy to add the cssclass
On the original vault it doesn’t show that.
I had the two vaults side by side and looked for any differences. Apart from the plugins they were pretty much the same. I cancelled the plugins. The only other thing I changed was inactivate Readable line length.
The original vault is now working. I’m not sure why.
Why would one vault have metadata — and the other show Properties?
Thanks for your help. It’s an enjoyable learning curve