Get lag when FIle Explorer display

I’m using Obsidian in Linux Mint and recently see it becomes laggy, and the reason is from the File Explorer when it be displaying. How to fix this, I’ve found the topic about this but it was in 2020, so I didn’t find it helps anymore. Thank yall

Linux Mint user here. I’m not seeing this.

Try a different theme and provide debug info.

Also, try Debian package or Appimage if not on either of those.

my scroll up down notes experience is worse when opening the FE even though changing others themes, even the default.

maybe I will try switching to Arch next year, this distro is quite boring to me, hope there will be no issue

Came from Arch, actually… I had some XFCE window refresh issues and I want only XFCE…

As for lags…
If you have Dataview queries pinned on the sidebar, or have some ill-fitting CSS, well, anything can happen and needs investigating.
You give us no clues to go on.

I confirm this on Windows. Basically, performance get worse with any opened sidebar, disregarding panels on them. But the Files window has the most significant impact.
I’ve tested without plugins and with the default theme - same result. And I feel that lags increased in the last time, thought I’ve done nothing to my configuration and didn’t produce many notes.