Get current selected card id in canvas

how can i get the currently selected card in the canvas?

I’ve tried using

this.registerEvent('file-open', (file: TFile ) => {
   //file given doesn't contain the id of CanvasTextData within the CanvasNodeData of the canvas
  //all i can get is the name 
  //the file name will either be the canvas ur currently open in, 
  //or if it's a CanvasFileData type you will get back the name of the file

I wanted to be able to get the id of the current selected node in the canvas

the canvas file looks like this

  "nodes": [
      "id": "fd54f4c821dbc4cc",
      "type": "file",
      "file": "",
      "x": -100,
      "y": -840,
      "width": 260,
      "height": 241
      "id": "AXfxt6LMbEHsolL3",
      "type": "text",
      "text": "random text for testing",
      "x": 280,
      "y": -840,
      "width": 420,
      "height": 420
      "id": "62Db8TU532JSyt2N",
      "type": "text",
      "text": "",
      "x": 280,
      "y": -360,
      "width": 420,
      "height": 420
  "edges": [],
  "metadata": {}

i feel like im looking for a needle in a haystack, surely there must be a method on either he workspace or workspaceleaf that will give me the id of the currently selected node in the canvas??

I figured it out
I guess the api docs haven’t been updated with the canvas? i have no idea
but u can get the canvas selection like so

const canvasView =;
if (canvasView?.getViewType() !== 'canvas') return;
const canvas = (canvasView as any).canvas;
const selection: any = Array.from(canvas.selection);

which will give you an array of all the selected nodes, with their corresponding id’s.