What I’m trying to do
I have a 7 month project with about 30 tasks, going from Januari until the end of June.
The chart is created following this post:
Code used: https://github.com/anantshri/Obsidian_stuff/blob/main/dataviewjs/ganttchart-from-tasks.md
Styling thanks to [mnvwvnm] this post How to style GANTT chart (mermaid)? - #2 by ZKE
With the help of chatGTP and all above I was able to color the tasks (done/active/critical) and also see the done tasks also.
But for some reason the chart stops showing tasks after 4 months.
Everything after the first of May does not show up.
Changing the start dates to a date before First of May show the tasks …
Is this a ‘normal’ behavior, and as time (months) goes by the ‘missing’ tasks will show up in the Gantt chart ?
The code used, could be of use to someone.
// Priority mapping based on emojis
const priorityMap = {
"🔺": "Highest",
"⏫": "High",
"⏺️": "Medium",
"🔽": "Low",
"⏬": "Lowest"
// Function to determine priority based on emoji in task text
const getPriority = (text) => {
for (let emoji in priorityMap) {
if (text.includes(emoji)) {
return priorityMap[emoji];
return "Medium"; // Default to Medium if no emoji is found
const today = new Date(); // Get the current date
const todayStr = today.toISOString().split("T")[0]; // YYYY-MM-DD format
const tomorrow = new Date(today); // Clone the today date
tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 1); // Add 1 day
const future_date_max = new Date(today); future_date_max.setDate(today.getDate() + 90);
const tomorrowStr = tomorrow.toISOString().split("T")[0]; // Format as YYYY-MM-DD
const tasks = dv.pages("").file.tasks.where(t => t.text.includes("#fotoexpo") && t.start && t.due && t.status != "-") .sort(t=>t.start);
let endme="";
if (tasks.length > 0) {
let ganttData = `
title Alle taken
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d-%b
tickInterval 1week
// Group tasks by priority and create a critical group
const priorityGroups = {"Critical": [], "Highest": [], "High": [], "Medium": [], "Low": [], "Lowest": [] };
tasks.forEach(task => {
const dueDate = new Date(task.due.toString().split("T")[0]); // Vervaldatum als Date-object
const startD = new Date(task.start.toString().split("T")[0]); // Startdatum als Date-object
const startDate = task.start.toString().split("T")[0]; // Startdatum in YYYY-MM-DD-formaat
const endDate = task.due.toString().split("T")[0]; // Einddatum in YYYY-MM-DD-formaat
const endD = new Date(task.due.toString().split("T")[0]); // Einddatum als Date-object
const isCritical = !task.completed && dueDate < today; // Alleen onvoltooide en over tijd taken zijn "Critical"
if (startD <= future_date_max) {
const priority = isCritical ? "Critical" : getPriority(task.text); // Bepaal prioriteit
if (endD > future_date_max) {
endme = future_date_max.toString().split("T")[0];
} else {
endme = endDate;
let sanitizedTaskText = task.text
.replace(/#[\w-]+/g, "") // Verwijder hashtags
.replace(/(?:\p{Emoji_Presentation}|[\u2600-\u27BF])\s*\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/gu, "") // Verwijder data met emoji's
.replace(/[\n\r]+/g, " ") // Verwijder nieuwe regels
.trim(); // Verwijder spaties aan het begin/einde
for (let emoji in priorityMap) {
sanitizedTaskText = sanitizedTaskText.replace(emoji, "").trim();
if (sanitizedTaskText) {
if (task.completed) {
// Markeer voltooide taken
priorityGroups[priority].push(` ${sanitizedTaskText} :done, ${startDate}, ${endDate}`);
} else if (isCritical) {
// Markeer kritieke taken
priorityGroups[priority].push(` ${sanitizedTaskText} :crit, ${startDate}, ${tomorrowStr}`);
} else {
// Voeg actieve taken toe
priorityGroups[priority].push(` ${sanitizedTaskText} :active, ${startDate}, ${endDate}`);
// Add tasks to Gantt chart by priority
for (const priority in priorityGroups) {
if (priorityGroups[priority].length > 0) {
ganttData += `\nsection ${priority}\n`;
ganttData += priorityGroups[priority].join("\n");
ganttData += `\n\`\`\``;
// Debug mode: Show raw text
dv.el("pre", ganttData);
} else {
dv.paragraph("No tasks found with Gantt chart marker and with start and due dates.");