Frontmatter as table

is use this statement


and the result is a list:

  • field1
    • value1
    • value2
  • field2
    • value3
    • value4

is it possible to get the same as table like this

fields values
field1 value1
field2 value3

thanks in advance

I found this on the net (I apologize to original author) and use it. Note this uses the amazing dataview plugin.

I save the javascript in a file Assets/Scripts/embedded_properties.js:

let frontmatter = dv.current().file.frontmatter;

// Define fields to exclude (adapt as necessary)
let excludeFields = ['date created',  'MOCs', 'tags', 'url']

// Extract and filter the keys and values based on the exclusion list
let filtered_keys = Object.keys(frontmatter).filter(key => ! excludeFields.includes(key));
let filtered_values = => frontmatter[key]);

// Define an array to hold each row of the table
let rows = [];

// Populate the rows array with key-value pairs
for (let i = 0; i < filtered_keys.length; i++) {

        // Convert array values (e.g. tags) to a single string separated by commas
        let value = Array.isArray(filtered_values[i]) ? filtered_values[i].join(', ') : filtered_values [i];
        if (filtered_keys[i] === 'date modified') {
                value = "[[" + filtered_values[i] + "]]";
        let key = "<span style='display:flex; color: #2d82cd; justify-content: right;'>" + filtered_keys[i] + ":</cspan>";
        rows.push([key, value])

// Generate a table with two columns and populate with rows
dv.table(['', ''], rows)

Then where I want the properties to be displayed:

const data = await"Assets/Scripts/embedded_properties.js");

That works, thanks.
I changed the ", " to β€œ<br>” to get multiple values ​​in a key in the table column below each other.

// let value = Array.isArray(filtered_values[i]) ? filtered_values[i].join(', ') : filtered_values [i];
let value = Array.isArray(filtered_values[i]) ? filtered_values[i].join('<br>') : filtered_values [i];