Front matter and tags not working as expected

Things I have tried

Every combination of yaml and hashtags:

	- #zettlekasten/fleeting_notes 

- zettlekasten
- fleeting_notes

### What I'm trying to do

Get my frontmatter tags to show up in the tag pane.  However none of the above items work.  This does:

- #zettlekasten/fleeting_notes

However, it doesn't have the starting triple dash, so obsidian doesn't recognize it as front matter. 
Is there something I'm missing?

Don’t use # in the frontmatter for tags. Also, frontmatter is required for the first content in a note with --- surrounding the content.


- zettlekasten/fleeting_notes

The # in YAML marks everything after it as a comment.

It was a combination of using tabs instead of spaces, and slightly invalid custom yml I’d included above that line that caused the issue. @jwl comment helped me figure it out.

Thank you, I was making the same mistakes as OP and this comment helped me out.

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