From header X to header Y link syntax

Hi !

It would be very nice to have a “form header X to header Y” syntax in Obsidian links.

Use case or problem

I use Obsidian mostly for bible studies. My Bibles are divided into book chapters with one chapter being one note, and each verse being an h6 level header. As you may know it’s quite frequent to quote more than one verse, so I would like to be able to write a link with a format like : [[Genesis 1#1#3]] which would :

  • If I hover on it, show all text between my header “1” and my header “4” in Genesis 1 note
  • If I click, open the Genesis 1 note and highlight all between my header “1” and my my header “4”

Proposed solution

[[Note#HeaderX#HeaderY]] link syntax, which is retrocompatible and won’t break anything

Current workaround (optional)

I currently write my links as [[Genesis 1#1]][[Genesis 1#2|]][[Genesis 1#3|-3]] which renders as “Genesis 1>1-3” but is far from ideal

Thanks in advance for your kind consideration.
I’m pretty convinced that this would be useful for a lot of different usecases than Bible study of course.

Hi, not exactly what you are asking for, but checkout the Bible Linker Plugin - it will make your life easier.

Yes, many thanks for the reference.

I happen to have already developped my own templater to do the exact same thing as that plugin, but more compatible with my current bibles workflow (I have more than 10 bibles in my vault).
I’m currently considering participating in Obsidian October, with a downloadable vault including my multiple “markdownized” Bibles + relevant quite advanced templater stuff I use everyday along with them.

Depending on how hard it is and how much time I’ll get before mid-Nov, I’ll also try to start developping a plugin that would give part of the functionality that I request for here as a core feature : when writing [[Note#HeaderX#HeaderY]] syntax

  • Obsidian would display it as “Note > Header X - Header Y”
  • On hover, Obsidian would show the usual popup but render everything from Header X to Header Y
  • Everything else would behave as if it were [[Note#HeaderX]] (for example, when you click you will land at Note on Header X location, with everything under Header X highlighted in yellow

@kuchejak I’ve started building that plugin, if you are interested.