[FR] Linux: last Export target directory is not remembered

This is a reboot of Linux: last Export target directory is not remembered as a proper FR instead of a bug report (as never implemented for Linux).

Use case or problem

I repeatedly export my pages (for backup, sharing, etc.) and each time I export, I am send back to my Home folder. It would be much easier if the Export popup was showing the last Export location.

Another user had this issue: Is there a setting for default location of PDF export? and suggested to add an option to set the default export location (per project), which is another alternative depending on use case.

Proposed solution

Remember the last export location and use it next time Export popup is open (if this is working on Windows, make it work the same way on Linux)

Alternatively, add an option to set the default export location in project settings (and make sure it works on Linux).

Current workaround (optional)

Add a bookmark to the export folder you use in your OS file browser…

Related feature requests (optional)