Footnotes, Failure: Error: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing det ails

Use footnotes. They’re failing to load

I’m not even sure where to start with this. They have always worked now I’m getting a “Failure” error message, telling me to check my plan and billing “det ails” (spelled just that way)

[!failure]- Failure
Error: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing det ails.

Things I have tried

I’ve turned off plugins “Better footnote,” “Footnote Shortcut,” “Linter,” and “Tidy Footnotes.”
It’s still returning the same error message

Are you using some plugin related to the footnotes, or do you use some plugin to do some ChatGPT stuff? Some of these are quota based, so that if you get above your quota, it’ll start complaining.

E.g. I recently read about here in the forum about a Google Calendar plugin, which was using a developer subscription, which it had already maxed out, so that now it doesn’t work until the plugin developer changes to another subscription, or make it user dependent somehow.

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It must be some ChatGPT stuff. I was doing a “soft return” on a bullet item, and the same “Failure” message popped up.

I turned off “Obsidian42 - BRAT” and “Text Generator,” — now I’m not receiving that error.

Thank you, @holroy, for leading me in the right direction!


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