Folders & Files on PC but iPad and iPhone show only folders

Things I have tried

Setting up Obsidian. I’ve been adding folders and files on my PC. When I added the app to my iPhone and iPad, then synced, they show the folders, but not the files in the folders.

I searched Help, but no exact issues like mine.


What I’m trying to do

What kind of files, and what are you using to sync?

Thank you for responding. Just now seeing this. The files I referred to were Notes created in Obsidian, and I was using my C drive for the Vault. I still can’t see any files on my iPad or iPhone.

What are you using to sync — Obsidian Sync? ICloud? Something else?

obsidian sync

Why does the sync log on the iPhone/iPad show? (Swipe out the right sidebar and tap the sync icon, or go to Settings > Sync > Sync Activity.) Any errors, or any sign of the missing files?

Also maybe check the Obsidian folder in Files to see if the files are actually missing or if maybe Obsidian isn’t showing them for some reason.

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