Folder syncing

I use iCloud to sync a vault on my laptop and Obsidian on my iPad. That all works great.

I am also experimenting with publishing my vault online using Jekyll Garden. I’d like to continue to use my iCloud folder for my working vault in Obsidian while pushing any changes there to local folder I use for Jekyll Garden.

Can anyone recommend an easy solution for doing this on MacOS? Basically, I just want to automatically push any changes in the iCloud folder to the non-iCloud folder on a somewhat regular basis (say, daily).

I use Carbon Copy Cloner for snapshots and daily backups/pushes for ten or so folders. It’s got scheduling and the option to create a “SafteyNet” sub-directory of modified and deleted files/folders.

It looks like it’s for volume → volume backup, but it works fine with individual folders as well. Have a look. :eyes:

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