be left positioned when all children snippets are disabled;
be right positioned when all children snippets are enabled;
be middle positioned when there is a mixed between enabled and disabled children snippets.
I’m too lazy to code an example of tree guidelines and the suggested UI for checkbox controls. But I could help if a hand is needed for implementation though.
I up this, because I think, day after day, folding css snippet must become a things. It could allow to use github to download snippet from multiple source, and, in the end, a plugin to create a “store snippet”.
I like to think I’m pretty good at naming my snippet files and grouping css together that seems related, but the list is getting out of hand at this point. Would love a way better way to organize them.
Just simple custom (foldable) folders or “sort view by toggled ON/OFF snippets” would be extremely helpful.
I am not sure if going as far as toggles is needed, but at the very minimum, reading subfolders of .snippets is something that would help with CSS grouping and troubleshooting.
Adding my +1 to this feature. I love being able to organize snippets in folders, which currently is not possible.
This will, for instance, allow me to put all my cssclasses into a single folder, so that if I’m looking for such a snippet, I have an easier way to find it.
Likewise, I’d like to make an slr folder for all of their cool snippets, so I don’t accidentally believe that its my snippet.