When your cursor is within or right next to marked text (in my case displaying a span style) inside a table, if you try to navigate the table (moving cursor with mouse or arrows), as soon as you leave the marked up text, the text will stop displaying its code (which is normal), but immediately the focus will scroll jump up to the top of the table (and sometimes down, when you’re close to the end of a table)…
This bug doesn’t happen in a sandbox, so I tried de-enabling plugins, and things starting working well for a minute when I turned off Word Splitting for Simplified Chinese plugin, but then it also worked well after I turned it back on… Eventually it started messing up again. It did the same with another plugin (YTranscript), but again the fix only seemed to last for a couple minutes…
After testing each of my enabled plugins one by one, I turned on Restricted Mode, but still had the bug… although I cannot reproduce it in a sandbox.
Windows 11
Current version: v1.7.7 (Installer version: V1.4.14)