Financial tracking in Obsidian

Hello everyone. I implemented financial tracking in Obsidian, and I think it turned out to be quite convenient.

In my daily notes, I add a button. When you click the button, a form opens up. In the form, you need to select where (income category or account), where to (expense category or account), the amount that was spent, and the amount that was received (this should only be filled out if the currencies are different; for example, if 100 rubles were spent, and 1 dollar was received), and a comment.
The dropdown lists for accounts and categories are automatically sorted by frequency of use.

All operations are saved in a specific format. Then, various reports can provide information about these operations. I added tracking of credit limits, the ability to set budgets for expense categories, and a search for operations.

There are probably some bugs (although I loaded operations for 6 years and all the amounts matched), but this is more of a proof of concept that you can manage personal finances in Obsidian, and moreover, it can be convenient.

The vault is in the archive.

A special thanks to the author of GitHub - danielo515/obsidian-modal-form: Define forms for filling data that you will be able to open from anywhere you can run JS.


This looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing

Very interesting, what are the essential plugins? Thank you for sharing.

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Buttons, dataview, modal forms, projects, templater

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@Dmitry_Fert this is exactly the type of system I’ve been struggling with implementing! Any chance you can upload an example again? That link at UploadNow is showing as expired :frowning:

Hi, I posted the repository here instead: GitHub - Fertion/Obsidian_finance.


Hi, can you create a guide on how to set up? The modal forms that I installed do not seem to be working as expected.

Great, I looked it up and tried to figure it out, but I feel like I need some kind of guide on how to actually implement this in my vault, how to customize it and make it more user friendly.
Can You make a YouTube guide for example on how to use it, which templeta are for e.t.c.?

Never mind, I figured it out, this is the best I’ve seen. My money tracking app 1Money shut down, so this is a great alternative. It may lack graphics like PIE, but it’s understandable.
Thank You Good Man.

It’s clear that all of this seems complicated, especially for newcomers to Obsidian. That’s why I plan to wrap everything into a separate, user-friendly plugin while keeping the same transaction recording structure, though it will take some time.


A plugin would be super. I hope it can pull in already recorded data from the current version of the tracker.

I try to use this tracker, it is quite convenient. Only misleading is “Report on Income and Expenses”, it combines all income and expenses into one number, regardless of currency. So it turns out that income in dollars is combined with income in hryvnia, for example: 4,000 dollars of salary is combined with 60,000 hryvnias. 64,000.

And it would be great to be able to select a month and see its statistics by income and expenditure, as implemented in “Report by category of expenditure”.