I have a dataview table of all my open projects on my index (home) page. This list shows all of my currently active projects. I have just added a way to change the mode I am to see only related projects that I thought was pretty neat and worth a share.
TL;DR: Add a dataview (or frontmatter) field and filter the dataview table based on that.
Plugins Needed
Note: This can be set up using Frontmatter OR dataview inline fields. I will use frontmatter below but both will work.
File: index.md
This is the page you will work from. This is where the dataview table lives as well as the filter field.
work_mode: Work
to the frontmatter (this is what you will edit to filter the DV table) -
Add the dataview table (tweak to fit your use case)
```dataview TABLE status as Status, dateformat(file.mtime, "yyyy-MM-dd") as "Last Modified" FROM #active WHERE file.name != this.file.name WHERE status_category = this.work_mode SORT file.mtime desc ```
The important bit is the
WHERE status_category = this.work_mode
, outside that, tweak this to fit your use case. As is it will pull in all notes with the #active tag that match thestatus_category
of “Work”. Likely you’ll have zero results at this point.
Files: Project Notes
Go to each of your note files and add
work_mode: Work
(Categorize to suit your needs). -
Optional steps: Add a button that uses MedaEdit to edit the frontmatter (on the index page).
This could be expanded to similar things like priority, or due date, etc.