I would like to be able to specify whether a link is displayed or not displayed in the graph view.
As an example, I have a series of notes organized in a hierarchical fashion: one note should (ideally) show links to two other notes in the graph view, each of which shows links to several other notes, creating a branching tree like structure.
The problem comes in that each individual note is, in the body of text, often linked to half a dozen other notes, leaving my graph view looking rather spaghetti-ish.
I was accomplishing the hiding of specific links by using the obsidian URL’s for the links I didn’t want shown e.g.: [link text](link address), however, I have reorganized the overall structure of my vault multiple times, and unlike regular links, links created with the obsidian URL’s don’t automatically update, and I am spending a lot of time updating these links every time I restructure things.