when a user uses obsidian to import media into the vault the file name of the media item should be checked for markup language strings and symbols such as hashtag symbols that would prevent the media from being able to function correctly in notes if addressed by the file name.
the behavior should have a setting in the app settings to allow the user to decide if they want the file names to be fixed automatically on import or if they would prefer to be given the option to rename the media
I can definitely post it there, but it sounds more like a bug report to me, if a piece of software is unable to recognize that the file name being used is incompatible with the markup language or that it doesn’t at least alert the user that the file name is incompatible with obsidian not to mention most file systems.
but mainly, the idea that obsidian would be willing to unquestionably insert or allow for the insertion of a file name into a note that it has fore knowledge will create a problem with the markup language, seems like and avoidable or addressable short-sightedness.