File Explorer Custom Sort

I have to add a slightly different tweak on the same idea. I do utilize some folders. Within the folder structure, I would like the .md files to always appear at the top in whatever sort of order is picked (even if it is manual). I also have “unsupported” and supported attachments that I keep within the same folders, and I would want them to appear in the same folder below the current item. This way my stuff stays together, but I have notes at the top with support material in context below.

Should we wait for this feature? It would be very helpful!

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Just began using this software – it’s bizarre that this feature is not present at all. Even if it were under an experimental / “use at your own risk” section, just give users the option please. All you need to do is store indicies for each item internally and update them if the user drags them.

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I want to customize the arrangement of my documents,

Don’t like to arrange documents by time or name

I like the freedom to arrange my documents.


I never really heavily used custom sorting in other apps that provided it, but within Obsidian I would absolutely love this feature! I am not desperate but somewhere down the line, it would definitely be a big help to have this.

Also, I am not sure if this should be considered a separate request, but if this feature were implemented, it would be really nice to have custom sort as one of the sorting choices, so as to allow for switching between options. Perhaps the saved sort orders could be recognized and stored within saved workspaces. There is also the route of having specific folders sorted uniquely, but I will hold off on requesting that for now.

PS: I am beginning here but understand and am happy to craft a separate request in the near future. And I will keep it to a single request. I mainly wanted to throw this into the mix here since the ideas could technically be under the umbrella of custom sort.

Thanks for understanding.



It would improve a lot the writing experience. Even better if the hierarchy generated when rendered one document…


I think this was mentioned before (#25, #77), customize sort is available in the starred pane. However, I think it will make the process easier by adding the ability to Drag a file to starred notes and insert it at mouse location.


:fire: I absolutly need this feature! +1 +1 +1


«for the content of the catalogue, for the arrangement of the cards, for its spiritual life, it is of the utmost importance that no systematic organization corresponding to the themes and sub-themes has been chosen, but a fixed place for each card»
— [Luhmann, 1981, p. 222–223]

Adding ID at start to each note name is overvhelming approach to arrangement :weary:

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Hi, I also second this request. I am mostly interested in custom ordering my few folders. Is it something being considered as feature in the roadmap?

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+1. Would be a super useful feature. I usually order my notes in such a way that having an understanding of earlier ordered notes is necessary to understand later ordered notes. It’s hard to structure my notes that way without manual sorting.


Finally decided to move from OneNote to Obsidian, but now I notice that we can’t organize notes within a folder, or organize folders. This is an absolute deal breaker for me.

So what I’m doing right now is:

  • Write/edit .md files in VSCode (comes with a good md preview pane).
  • Store all files in a single local (or cloud) folder.
  • Link each .md file to it’s own note on OneNote.
  • Organize notes on OneNote according to your personal mental model.

I really hope Obsidian develops this feature, but after a year and half of users asking for this feature, it seems this is not a priority for Product Managers.


+1 Please add this feature.

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It will be a great and necessary feature.
At the moment I simply name my files adding a number before the text, like:

  1. First Note
  2. Second Note
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Coming from onenote and scrivener, I discovered that Obsidian offers no ‘free’ sorting. That feature is really necessary to turn Obsidian into a writing app that allows you to move notes around as for example in Scrivener. I tried outliner, longform and MOCs but none of them allows me to sort my ideas as I want to. I hope the feature appears soon for it would really make Obsidian a second brain (in our first brains we are also able to move ideas around).

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In OneNote and Scrivener, you work within one file.
If you work within one markdown file, you can move headers and sections around as you want.

In case this helps anyone, I figured the next best thing to having custom sort would be to make a MOC system (basically a table of contents) that lists out my notes in the way I want them organized.

I explain the process here: Feedback wanted for Automatic MOC plugin I wrote (wondering if there's a better way)

+1, this would be really useful.

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+1 yes please. Important feature. Thank you, devs.

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For what it’s worth, this is one of the few things I find missing from my experience in Obsidian. It would be a delight to be able to freely sort the files in the tree.
I made an account just to post a +1 for this request.

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I also need this.

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