Feature Request: Sync Service API events & delayed plugin loading

I have seen in a number of scenarios it would be useful for a plugin to know if a sync is in process, so that it can wait to perform any actions until the sync is done. I don’t have a recommendation for an implementation, but probably something like registering to observe a start and complete sync events, along with perhaps a vault function for checking sync state (ex: app.vault.isSyncing(): boolean).

Additionally, as a sync user, I would like to have an option in settings to toggle on delayed loading of plugins until sync has finished. That way the newest data and any other plugins installed/updated on other devices have synced over. So if this “delayed plugin loading” was enabled:

  1. Obsidian starts
  2. Sync starts and finishes
  3. Then all enable plugins are loaded

Thanks for considering this request.


+1 absolutely yes for delayed loading of plugins after sync

Sync wreaks havoc with plugins so I rarely use Obsidian Sync and usually avoid using Obsidian on iPadOS.

So if this “delayed plugin loading” was enabled:

  1. Obsidian starts
  2. Sync starts and finishes
  3. Then all enable plugins are loaded

Thanks for considering this request.

I would add that this is a dynamic problem. I often create a file and then the templater script executes on both machines.

It would be nice to have a 1 minute (or configurable) delay on new file creation to avoid this problem.


Hi, I think this has been resolved. You can check the sync status via,

let sync = this.app.internalPlugins.plugins.sync.instance;
sync.on("status-change", () => { console.log("sync status is", sync.syncStatus) })

per Discord

I implemented this in one of my plugins to only run a task that depends on the state of the filesystem after syncing is finished

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