Continuing the discussion from Converting/Transforming tags to links:
Things I have tried
Searched around a bit, and found this thread above. Since this was closed in 2021, I thought of reviving it with a feature request with my reasoning why this might be helpful.
What I’m trying to do
Many times when you are starting out in a new field, you may not have a clue of how deep the rabbit hole goes. Let’s say, I want to start understanding more about photography so I start collecting articles, and data points related to photography. At this point, it is an auxiliary interest, so I just slap on a hashtag #photography to collate my notes.
After going deeper and deeper, I realise, that photography could benefit by being a MOC on its own and all tags should now actually be links. This is where this feature will be helpful.
I look at the tags view, if I see an x number of mentions of the tag, I might want to convert that to links with a MOC. and vice versa, if I am working on a project which has a big pile of notes linked together. As the project completes, I move things into the archive and out of my vault. At this point that link could go back to being a #project-I-worked-on.
The central thought is, many counts of tags mean a central MOC or index makes sense.
I am fairly new to obsidian ecosystem, so I wonder if this could be a valid use case for a feature or if is there a plugin which could help here.