[Feature] Arranging mobiletoolbarcommands to increase productivity - mobile shortcuts


[×] Android

Obsidian Mobile version: 1.2.0

Arranging mobiletoolbarcommands to increase productivity - mobile shortcuts

Main Requirement

  • I am using obsidian on an Android Mobile. Obviously as I don’t use a physical keyboard. I don’t use shortcut keys. Instead I use options available in mobiletoolbarcommand.
  • But I can’t use all necessary commands productively in current setup I need to scroll the mobiletoolbarcommands all the time which is time consuming. This is how it looks now.

  • Instead can’t I arrange the commands into number of rows based on my needs as the picture below by editing app.json of the vault. It is an edited photo.

my app.json code

  "mobileToolbarCommands": [
  "mobilePullAction": "command-palette:open",
  "defaultViewMode": "preview",
  "livePreview": false,
  "foldHeading": true,
  "foldIndent": true,
  "showUnsupportedFiles": true,
  "attachmentFolderPath": "Attachments",
  "alwaysUpdateLinks": true,
  "showFrontmatter": false

Responsive Request

  • I use obsidian sometimes in split screen. I prefer to have a responsive code. That keeps the same mobiletoolbarcommand format as it is now while in split screen or any other alternative to make it effective.

Note: My Main Requirement is the essential part not the responsive request but I prefer if that also possible

Thanks in Advance…

The Advanced Mobile Toolbar plugin allows multiple rows in the toolbar.