Obsidian Mobile version: v1.4.1
I want to work with two different vaults side by side. So, I thought of using the facility xiaomi phone has ==dual apps==.
Second App was created, but I am not able to create a vault from my internal storage and it is showing the following error.
After bit of a research. I found that dual apps or the second app storage location is different. And I was able to list the files and folders of second storage using termux in the directory /storage/emulated/999
Finally, I tried to locate the dual apps storage by choosing Open Folder as a Vault
but I was not able to find it.
Some apps allow us to choose location from external sources such as termux storage location, google drive…
But it seems to be obsidian is only able to check internal storage.
Is it possible to make obsidian can access other storage. May be if possible in more advanced options like ftp, sftp, webdav…
I think that this is aligning with this plugin idea of mine.
However, The minimum goal of this feature request is to access the dual apps storage for the second vault.
Orelse, Any Option to work with both vaults side by side just using the primary app.
Even Though, I made this request as a Mobile User. I think this feature will help anyone.
Example: I have a two Vaults One For Business and One For Education. And I want to refer my Education Notes to write my Business Plan or Something Related to Business. Then What I will need to do now is exit from Business Vault Go to Education Vault and come back to Business Vault. Some Times if the reference is too big. I will need to use another note taking app temporarily, until the work is done.