I downloaded a plugin and my mac version quite opening from cloud…would freeze…i tried everything then deleted the app and reloaded it thinking my docs would be on cloud and resync with my mac…it was working fine on phone and iPad…well now I sem to have wiped out all docs from anywhere…ANY IDEAS?
Whenever you create a new vault, Obsidian asks you where it should create the vault for you.
Remember where you saved your vault.
A common place to find your vault is the
Never create a vault in the cloud, obsidian was made for local files (on your computer)
Now, if you sync local files with plugins, your files should be save.
However, read always what sync plugins do. Don’t skip this step.
Otherwise, you’ll get into trouble.
You miss to give information like, your:
- obsidian version
- the plugins you used to sync your notes
- the cloud service you use
- if you vault is in the cloud or local
To be clear, plenty of users use 3rd party cloud tools to store and sync their vaults. Sync your notes across devices - Obsidian Help
You just have to be careful with them.
@blakekhall +1 to sharing more information like what cloud tool you were using. For example if you were using iCloud, it has a setting that sometimes automatically offloads your files from your computer, and stores them online only. And so Obsidian can’t see them properly. (I think that’s what Jopp meant.) You can turn that off in iCloud settings.
And you might be able to find snapshots in your iCloud history online. (Or whatever tool you were using.)
Lastly, don’t consider cloud tools as full backup. Make sure you backup your files in a safe way too. Syncing ≠ Backing up!
Local files are stored under users control, always accessible even offline.
Cloud services instead, are useful to sync data between multiple devices and stored on other devices.
Cloud services can be a backup storage too, together with local files. Ideally, backups are stored in 3 places, so synced files are always safe.
Relaying solely on cloud storage alone is a bit dangerous, in case of errors because of bad connections or other problems.
This is my opinion.