I can only think of the nbsp issue. Any chance you can try to create the folder again with a space character between “Daily” and “Notes”? See if you end up with 2 seemingly identical folders.
I am also having issues with creating a Daily Note. The note for the Plug-In says, “Open today’s daily note, or create one if not present.” I am having trouble creating a note. I should be able to press the calendar icon in the sidebar, and a new note is then created, but this is not happening for me.
I have tried turning it off and then back on… nothing.
I added a shortcut similar to what was proposed in Discord, “⌘ ⇧ T” still no new notes are created.
I left the file folder path blank, assuming it would be placed in the main vault, but no new note is created.
I tried to add a file path, and I received the error that was posted at the beginning of the thread.
But I spelled the folder name wrong – check for spaces. Once I spelled it right, I stopped receiving the error – but no new note was created.
I tried to add a template; no new notes are created.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Obsidian
Obsidian: I am using Obsidian Beta v0.6.1
Device: MacBook Pro, 6-Core Intel Core i7, Processor: 2.6, Catalina 10.15.4
I am sure this is something that I am overlooking, but any help with creating the Daily Note would be appreciated.
So my version of the issue may have been self-inflicted. I was testing using Syncthing to keep notes in sync across multiple devices and I didn’t exclude the .obsidian folder.
I realized when I was doing fresh installs of Obsidian, all my settings were coming across without me having to configure them, i.e. enabled extensions, light-mode v. dark mode.
I removed the .obsidian folder, restarted Obsidian to let it rebuild that folder, and now the functionality I expected has returned. I will also be excluding .obsidian from Syncthing.
And again, I’m my own worst enemy. I spoke too soon about the above.
It seems that when you set the location for saving Daily Notes, you must not include the “root”
I changed it from “Notes\Daily Notes” to just “Daily Notes” and it is back to normal.
In reference to excluding .obsidian when using Syncthing, I don’t believe it’ll be necessary.