External link hover - view url

The specification of font-family is great! Thanks for sharing.

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Edited again (code in original post), now cutting off links too long.

Great job! This is also what I want! :tada:

By the way. I think you meight missing the attribute white-space: nowrap.

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Yeah, sort of … I thought about it and played with it but really liked the two-line mode on longer URIs that can be wrapped. You can of course add it, maybe I’ve already ruined that feature by using block display … hmm.

EDIT: Added a single line/multi-line “option”, see code in original post. :nerd_face:

+1 really

I’d be happy to just have the tooltip you get in reading view in preview mode.

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Instead of in reading view, it would also be convenient to have the link show tooltip when hovering in editing view + live preview mode.

My use case of Obsidian is mainly in editing view + live preview mode, which IIRC is the default environment for the first entry of Obsidian. Currently, I can click the link while holding Alt to show the source without opening the link. However, it requires extra keystrokes. A simple mouse movement such as hovering would have been enough to accomplish this.


OK. I found another post about this feature which was noticed by Obsidian team recently . Hoping this soon.

Unfortunately a CSS snippet that could work in live preview mode seems impossible, as the link target is not exposed in the code, from what I can see with the Inspect tool.

<span class="cm-link">
<a class="cm-underline" tabindex="-1" href="#">link text</a>

I guess this would need to be solved by Obsidian’s developers.

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This was implemented in reading mode a while ago.