The specification of font-family
is great! Thanks for sharing.
Edited again (code in original post), now cutting off links too long.
Great job! This is also what I want!
By the way. I think you meight missing the attribute white-space: nowrap
Yeah, sort of … I thought about it and played with it but really liked the two-line mode on longer URIs that can be wrapped. You can of course add it, maybe I’ve already ruined that feature by using block
display … hmm.
EDIT: Added a single line/multi-line “option”, see code in original post.
+1 really
I’d be happy to just have the tooltip you get in reading view in preview mode.
Instead of in reading view, it would also be convenient to have the link show tooltip when hovering in editing view + live preview mode.
My use case of Obsidian is mainly in editing view + live preview mode, which IIRC is the default environment for the first entry of Obsidian. Currently, I can click the link while holding Alt to show the source without opening the link. However, it requires extra keystrokes. A simple mouse movement such as hovering would have been enough to accomplish this.
OK. I found another post about this feature which was noticed by Obsidian team recently . Hoping this soon.
Unfortunately a CSS snippet that could work in live preview mode seems impossible, as the link target is not exposed in the code, from what I can see with the Inspect tool.
<span class="cm-link">
<a class="cm-underline" tabindex="-1" href="#">link text</a>
I guess this would need to be solved by Obsidian’s developers.
This was implemented in reading mode a while ago.