External link directly to a file’s highlight

Use case or problem

  • Use Case: I need to link one vault to another vault. I’ve used general Obsidian external links (which only link to a file and not to it’s contents) in the past. However, I need the ability to link directly to a particular line or header within the desired file.

I am not sure if this already exists—please let me know if it does. Thank you

Proposed solution

  • This feature could be implemented by adding a query (?) at the end of the current external link in order for the link to navigate directly to a header or line within an external Obsidian vault. This is similar to “link to highlight” in a web browser.

Current workaround (optional)

Related feature requests (optional)

Please search before making a new Feature Request. Thanks.

When you say “Obsidian external links” I assume you’re talking about Obsidian URLs, right? This request exists. And there is a suggested workaround using the Advanced-URI plugin.

I searched but this non-native Obsidian answer didn’t pop up for me. However, this will suffice for my use case now. Thanks.

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