Exporting to PDF does not show number lines, why?

Things I have tried

I’ve tried toggling the Show Line Numbers option in the Code Block Enhancer Community plugin, version 1.0.5 by hafuhafu – result described below doesn’t change. I’ve tried other plugins – far from desired result.

What I’m trying to do

I want code blocks in the exported PDF, to have line numbers for reading ease. Unfortunately, after Exporting to PDF, only the first block of code (bash code) has line numbers at the left-hand side; the following blocks (powershell) don’t show any line numbers. The *.md note however, correctly displays all code blocks with their respective numbers.

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I’ve downloaded Obsidian version 0.14.2, Code Enhancer plugin 1.0.5. Do I need to download any other plugin or enable anything else?
Please help if you can.

I’ve also encountered this issue, too.
Here is my test result.

Test 1

// Test 1
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   // printf() displays the string inside quotation
   printf("Hello, World! 123");
   return 0;

Test 2

// Test 2
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   // printf() displays the string inside quotation
   printf("Hello, World! 456");
   return 0;

The line number of code block works well in reading mode.
But when output of PDF file, only Test 1 has the line number.
All others have no line numbers at all.

The exported PDF:

Appreciate for any help.

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