Exporting Notes with links

Things I have tried

I am struggling to export my notes from Obsidian to other programs and keep my links working. I have changed all internal wiki links to markdown links. Doing this the links are recognised as links but when I click on them I get a cannot open this file message. I have tried converting the files with pandoc to doc, PDF etc but nothing seems to work.

What I’m trying to do

What I am trying to do is export my notes created in obsidian for a fiction project with the internal links still working outside of obsidian. When I click on a link I want it to take me to the relevant note/section in the exported document. I want to keep using obsidian for taking because it is fantastic especially when I can use Wiki links. If I could get wiki links working in an exported file outside of Windows that would be brilliant. I use Obsidian on iOS and Windows if that helps.

Thank you for your assistance.

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