Export to .doc - incl. citations

Is it possible to easily export from Obsidian to Word - including citations?

Use case or problem

In academics .docx is (unfortunately) still very common. There are situations where - more often than not - I need to convert md to word.

Proposed solution

Zettlr has very good export option that include citations as well. Is something comparable possible for Obsidian?


Can you explain more about how this would work? How would Obsidian know what the citations are, what format to put references in, etc.?

There’ve also been a lot of other discussions about handling citations on here. e.g.:

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Yes, there is a way, just not from Obsidian. Pandoc does it, rather well in my experience.

pandoc test.md -f markdown -t docx --bibliography=test.bib --csl=chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl -s -o test.docx

(You can of course change the csl to whatever you want to.)

It’s really worth installing pandoc if you don’t have it yet; I also hate working with docx files, but this way you can get them from markdown, latex, whatever. (You do need a .bib file though; I don’t know about the alternatives there.)

@ryanjamurphy, there could be some plugin or something in Obsidian that would parse a given .bib file and probably via pandoc produce a .docx output. I’m no programmer so absolutely no clue what this would take, but doesn’t seem impossible if it’s doable through the command line.


Wouldn’t it be amazing if we would have a native solution (or an extension) for such export options.

Zettlr and Ulyssis offer something like an export button (that uses Pandoc in the background) and lets you define the export format (.pdf, .docs, etc - and the citation-format based on the csl file)

I really would love to see such options in Obsidian

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You could probably create a feature request for that (if there isn’t one already, which I would be surprised by). To be honest, I don’t use the export function very often, and when I do, I just copy/paste the above line to the terminal, so it’s not a big hassle. But yes, it would be nice, and I would certainly use it.

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an extention for this would be pretty easily writable with this js library: docx - Generate .docx documents with JavaScript

Hola a todos.
Ya desde hace tiempo he visto este foro y esperaba una respuesta concreta. No soy programador, así que por eso no había participado, pero al ser un usuario relativamente nuevo y dada mi actividad profesional (investigador universitario en área de política social), mis requerimientos en citas y referencias son muy específicos. He dado con una respuesta que posiblemente ayude a usuarios con un perfil de uso similar al mío. Pues resulta que he usado en algunos momentos pandocdesde la terminal, y nunca he tenido problemas de esportación.
Encontré que hay en Obsidian un plugin de terminal que integra evidentemente una terminal a la ventana del programa y desde ahí se puede ejecutar el comando de pandoc incluyendo citas y referencias formateadas en el estilo csl que se requiera, en mi caso casi simpre uso APA 7ma. edición.
En mi caso el comando que uso es:

`pandoc -s --bibliography mibibli.bib --citeproc --csl apa7.csl -o ejemplo.docx documento.md`

Uno de los plugins de exportación de *Obsidian* cuenta con contenedores para argumentos extra, tal vez funciones agregar los argumentos de este comando ya que el plugin usa *pandoc*, pero hasta ahora no he podido hacerlo funcionar. Con la terminal por lo menos no hay necesidad de cambiar de entorno pero si es necesario tener nociones de *pandoc*. Ojalá les sirva. Saludos