Export of annoations from Zotero to Obsidian

Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to the Obsidian/Zotero/PKM Community.
My achievements so far are that I can export the highlights and comments of annotated PDFs in Zotero to Obsidian. However, I am struggling with a single point:
At the beginning of each highlight is this hyperlink, “Go to annotation,” which leads to the highlighted text in the PDF. So far, so good. Nevertheless, I want to change two things:

1.) How can I change the name of “Go to annotation” to simply “pdf”?
2.) How can I change the position of this hyperlink at the end of the highlight?

See the example for the status quo:

I tried to adapt values in Zotero’s config editor without success. So I am not sure where I have to do adaptions: in Zotero or Obsidian.

Maybe you can help a freshman :slight_smile:

You are likely to be able to make these changes in the template that you are using for export to Obsidian. In order to help, you might need to share what plugin and template you are using to port Zotero annotations into Obsidian.

I use Zotero’s built-in export feature:

  • In Zotero 6+
    • select PDF, Add Note from Annotations
    • select note, Export Note..., Include Zotero Links

and I get links that look like:

“Modifying factors such as fluoride and dental hygiene would not be needed if we tackled the single cause—sugars” ([Sheiham and James, 2015, p. 1341](zotero://select/library/items/28VDBWXP)) ([pdf](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/ZXX7ZUDZ?page=1&annotation=BV34PQD8))

So they already say “pdf” for me.

In that case you have to work with Zotero’s templates. This guide explains the template for annotation exports along with the conditionals and variables you can use.

I’m not the OP :smiley:

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Thanks for your input.
I also use the Zotero export function and the Obsidian plug-In “Zotero Integration”.
Instead of importing my data like @obsequious, I am using the command “Zotero Integration: Insert Notes into the current document”, and I have to type the author:


If I do it like @obsequious, I receive the same results.
However, I like my actual way because it is faster for me.
So, maybe I have to change sth. with the Zotero Integration plug-in?!

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