Export highlighted images from kindle via readwise to obsidian doesn't work

Hi guys,

I am playing around with the official readwise-plugin and cannot wait to use it productively. Until now I didn’t manage to get images imported, which I highlighted on my kindle. This should be possible, as Erin Moore described in that video in min 5:32 Automatically Export Your Highlights to Obsidian with Readwise - YouTube

I use the standard code, in my export-properties for highlights:

  • {{ highlight_text }}{% if highlight_location and highlight_location_url %} ({{highlight_location}}){% elif highlight_location %} ({{highlight_location}}){% endif %}{% if highlight_tags %}
    • Tags: {% for tag in highlight_tags %}[[{{tag}}]] {% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if highlight_note %}
    • Note: {{ highlight_note }}{% endif %}

The result is:
The normal text-highlights are exorted as they are supposed to, but the highlighted images don’t show up in my obsidian note.

Do you have an idea, how I can solve that?

Thanks in advance,

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