Excalidraw: work with drawings both from within Obsidian and Excalidraw.com?

What I’m trying to do

I’d like to create some templates for drawings that I will use as shared drawings via excalidraw.com when working online with my clients.
I understand that I can easily do that by creating a drawing in Excalidraw.com, sharing the link to work in a joint session and later saving the result locally.
Now I can simply drag & drop the link into Excalidraw.obsidian to continue working with the drawing.

Question: how can I save the edited file again outside of Obsidian as .excalidraw to be able to edit and share it again via Excalidraw.com?

Things I have tried

I searched the dcumentation and tried everything within Obsidian, didn’t find a solution

If I understand the question correctly, you can export the file edited in obsidian as an excalidraw file via the “Excalidraw: Export Image” command, choosing Excalidraw. You can then import the file into Excalidraw by choosing Open and share it again.
Or you can simply select your entire drawing on obsidian with Ctrl A, copy it, and paste it into the drawing on Excalidraw, if you want the sharing link to remain the same.

That did the trick!
Both ways work fine. Thank you!

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