Excalidraw plugin -- re-ordering items in the stencil library

What I’m trying to do

Does anybody know if there is a way to easily change the order in which items are presented in the Exclaidraw Plugin’s stencil library?

Things I have tried

It seems that when you add stencil items to the library, they are added to the end of the current collection in the library and there is no way to re-order these.

I could of course export items one-by-one, then clear the library and re-add them one-by-one in the order that I prefer. But this is a ridiculous solution that I do not want to even attempt, given that my library presently holds close to a hundred stencils! :slight_smile:

Tip: look around in the data.json file of the plugin.
Make a copy of the file and edit it, if there’s no other way.
Make sure you make note of commas and whathaveyou while you are at it.
With Obsidian closed, of course.