Excalidraw plug-in crashing obsidian on iPad

Steps to reproduce

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

Opening excalidraw files shouldn’t hurt obsidian

Actual result

Obsidian crashes. The touchpad doesn’t work.


I can’t access debug window after obsidian crashes.

Additional information

moved to help as we don’t take BR involving third party plugins

try rolling back to earlier releases and test them…
e.g. try around here:

you keep your data.json file, rename it to .bak and check contents to see what you set before, and then copy the main.js and manifest.json files on top of the existing ones and reload obsidian

you’ll need to either do this on desktop or get an editor – Textastic, Taio, to name two that are capable – on the ipad where you can access the hidden .obsidian folder (or whatever it is named, if you’ve renamed it) to carry out these operations

make copies of your current excalidraw plugin folder though

okay, this is an older thread but i had to try this for me so i thought i’d share

for me (tested on a larger vault, didn’t test various vaults) the last working release was:

after this, entering the settings makes the app quit
later releases may still work on empty vaults…didn’t try
also later versions might still work but you may need to stay clear of the settings within obsidian (settings can be changed in data.json with obsidian closed manually if needed)

some new settings from your desktop data.json won’t be compatible for this release so i recommend starting setting up the app afresh or if you have git history, go back to the commit with the older release date to download the files (including the scripts compatible with that release)

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