Everything stored in daily notes, how to filter?

I would like to store everything in my daily notes, where different sections within a note might be tagged differently. My goal is to create smart documents that pull content from various daily notes, based on the tags or other criteria applied to different sections.

Is this possible with Obsidian? If so, what plugins or features should I explore?

There is no clear way to query text blocks from files even if these text blocks are contained within certain heading. If you specify text blocks as tasks - [ ] xxx then you can query these using Tasks community plugin.

Depending on your keyboard layout you can easily input tasks by manually writing - [ ] or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L / ⌘L.

The other method is using the DataView plugin with plain DV and DVJs queries.
The latter is more flexible and can be used to extract content.
Otherwise you would need to organize your content with list items, as mentioned in this thread:

The newer OpenAI 4o (Plus) robots seem quite handy with generating DVJs code so once you whomp one together that works, you can reuse the same script and make some changes (with filtered folders, etc.) as needed.

If I add a tag in my daily note it doesn’t show up anywhere else. So not possible to filter it with a search or similar. Is this by design or a bug?

Depending on what you mean exactly. Tags created/used are listed when you press ⌘⇧F and then write tag:.

I mean exactly what I said. Adding a tag to my daily note - e.g. #Ben meeting - doesn’t show #Ben in my tags list, search etc.

But I figured out the problem. In the files settings I had added my “internal” directory to be excluded from search etc results. My daily notes directory is a subdirectory there. So of course it wasn’t seeing anything I wrote in the daily note.

I had forgotten I’d done this.

In case someone else is having the same issue (I see at least one here when I search for this topic, that no one replied to), maybe you did the same thing when setting up Obsidian a long time ago and forgot.

Anyway, thanks for your reply!