Error loading vault: File System Timeout

I looked at similar topics and tried things suggested in them, but nothing fixed my issue.

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to open a vault on my computer. I have never had issues opening the vault before. Obsidian suddenly just failed to load the vault.

This is what the window looked like originally.

After moving the vault folder, this is what the window looked like:

Finally, after deleting the .obsidian folder:

Things I have tried

  • Moving the vault to different locations on my PC and then choosing the vault folder to open it.
  • Deleting the .obsidian folder (because the restricted mode option disappeared after moving the vault)

Unfortunately, since I can’t even get into the vault, I can’t get the debug info for it.

I did go into the console and grab the log from it though.

This is what the log says:

app.js:1 Obsidian Developer Console
app.js:1 failed to read JSON .obsidian/core-plugins.json SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse ()
at t. (app.js:1:729140)
at app.js:1:237228
at (app.js:1:237333)
at a (app.js:1:236051)
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
app.js:1 Error: File system operation timed out.
at e.kill (app.js:1:545987)
at l (app.js:1:518105)
at c (app.js:1:518221)
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
(anonymous) @ app.js:1
s @ app.js:1
c @ app.js:1

I also tried creating a new vault in the same directory (C:\Users\username\Documents\Obsidian) as my old vault and then copied the .obsidian folder from my old vault to the new one and the new vault loaded fine, so it isn’t any of my plugins or settings that is causing the issue.