EPERM Error: damaged file

I’m using Windows 11 Pro, syncing with Onedrive and encrypting with Cryptomator.

When deleting, it disappears but seems to stay. Can’t create a new file with the same name to replace the damaged one, as the name is already used. Therefor the error is persistent too, after reboot the file shows up again.
I tried do copy the file as backup to a different directory but then I get an error “Path doesn’t exist”.
During the last troubleshooting I had an error too, which displayed the file is to big for the filesystem… Tried to disable Onedrive, checked the file on an other synced pc, no luck.

Now while trying to document the behaviour i first opened the file with VSCode, it showed an empty file. The opened it with Notepad++ and received the message, file doesn’t exist - do you want to create it?

I did, the file was saved and Obsidian is able to start again. Lost the file content but that’s ok in this case…

Thanks and regards