Enhanced export

Hi !

I’m facing a bug when using Enhanced Export plugin.
befere it was working very well, but since some month i get this error when exporting :

Command: pandoc “/Users/davidlevesque/Dropbox/z_Apps/a_global/obsidian/VaultGlobalDavidMin2023/VaultGlobalDavidMind2023_online/B - J’ENTREPRENDS/BusinessTemple.co/04 - RESEAUX/2024-05-10 - s24-108.md” -f markdown+wikilinks_title_after_pipe --resource-path=“/Users/davidlevesque/Dropbox/z_Apps/a_global/obsidian/VaultGlobalDavidMin2023/VaultGlobalDavidMind2023_online/B - J’ENTREPRENDS/BusinessTemple.co/04 - RESEAUX” --resource-path=“/Users/davidlevesque/Dropbox/z_Apps/a_global/obsidian/VaultGlobalDavidMin2023/VaultGlobalDavidMind2023_online/B - J’ENTREPRENDS/BusinessTemple.co/04 - RESEAUX/pieces-jointes” -s -o “/Users/Shared/Export Obsidian/2024-05-10 - s24-108.docx” -t docx ,Error:Error: Command failed: pandoc “/Users/davidlevesque/Dropbox/z_Apps/a_global/obsidian/VaultGlobalDavidMin2023/VaultGlobalDavidMind2023_online/B - J’ENTREPRENDS/BusinessTemple.co/04 - RESEAUX/2024-05-10 - s24-108.md” -f markdown+wikilinks_title_after_pipe --resource-path=“/Users/davidlevesque/Dropbox/z_Apps/a_global/obsidian/VaultGlobalDavidMin2023/VaultGlobalDavidMind2023_online/B - J’ENTREPRENDS/BusinessTemple.co/04 - RESEAUX” --resource-path=“/Users/davidlevesque/Dropbox/z_Apps/a_global/obsidian/VaultGlobalDavidMin2023/VaultGlobalDavidMind2023_online/B - J’ENTREPRENDS/BusinessTemple.co/04 - RESEAUX/pieces-jointes” -s -o “/Users/Shared/Export Obsidian/2024-05-10 - s24-108.docx” -t docx
Error parsing reader format “markdown+wikilinks_title_after_pipe”: (line 1, column 36):
unexpected unknown extension: wikilinks_title_after_pipe

i don’t see how to change the option “wikilinks_title_after_pipe”, the error seems to come from this point.

any idea ?

thank you :slight_smile:

wikilinks_title_after_pipe is a valid Pandoc extension to the markdown format, which adds support for wikilinks and wikilink images with a title or alias after a |, as used in Obsidian.

Since version 1.10.1 of Enhancing export, released February 2nd of 2024, this extension is added automatically, depending on your preferred link format, as configured by the “Use wikilinks” toggle under Obsidian’s Files and Links settings.

Most likely, Pandoc is out of date on your machine. wikilinks_title_after_pipe was added in Pandoc version 3.0, which was released in January 2023, so most likely your Pandoc version precedes this.

You can write pandoc --version in a terminal to see which version you have installed. To update Pandoc, download the latest installer, and it will replace the old version with the latest version.


Perfect, thank you very much !
problem solved !

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