Emojis have no margins next to text on mac

I asked WhiteNoise, since he was marked as moderator and the last one who replied, but he probably overlooked my message. Are there other options to request re-opening a thread?

Yes, you’re right. The original bug report actually showed a negative margin. I thought it was the same problem, but actually it seems to be a different one, since I can’t reproduce such a negative margin, although I tried using the same “office building” emoji and different fonts and resolutions. The only issue I see is that there is no or a very small margin, contrary to Windows.

That also hints to a generally different behavior of Chrome on Windows and MacOs, not something that could easily be fixed in Obsidian.

Here are some links that discuss the issue in Chrome:

What is a bit confusing is that some people report that they are seing it only on non-retina-displays, while others say it appears only on retina displays. In my case I do have a retina display, and I see the “zero margin” effect.

The StackOverflow article also mentions some workarounds that could be used in Obsidian to fix the problem until there is a proper fix in Chrome.

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