Embedding structured data dynamically

Use case or problem

Sometimes I have a template across multiple notes, and in an ideal world I want to update parts of the template and have it update all the notes. But thats not how Obisidian works because once the template is applied its no longer linked to the file.

Proposed solution

But imagine that in a given file I could embed certain elements that are linked to a parent template. I think that’s already possible with block embeds. But block embeds merely show the item being embedded. Imagine the embed was dynamic whereby if I’m embedding a property, that property now applies to the note where its embedded.

And if I embed a Dataview query or the like, the query acts as though its actually on the page where its embedded.

Could put some logic here to control whether the embed is locked or not, ie lets say the embed is a property, I can go to the page where its embedded and change the value, but the change only applies to the to the page that I’m on.

If later I go and change the property value on the template, a warning could popup asking me if I want the change to apply to all the following pages, and I can tick them off yes or no or something like that.

This would take Obsidian to the next level and would match how the average user really thinks about “templates”.

Would eliminate a sizeable chunk of friction that users experience especially those of us who aren’t good with fancy scripting and the like. Would make Obisidian much more approachable for the average user and create a more “notion” like experience.

Current workaround

Very manual. All kinds of clumsy ways of applying bulk changes. Would eliminate a sizeable chunk of friction that users experience especially those of us who aren’t good with fancy scripting and the like.