Embedding Blocks in Notes on Mac

What I’m trying to do

I have a note comprising quotes from references on a given topic (a “quote note”). In another “paper note” I am trying to reference and embed parts of that other quote note.

Things I have tried

I know this is a classic block quote but it just doesn’t display that way in my note, only if I hover over it in reader. Ppl talk about “Preview” but I can’t see that option that displays it how they describe it on YTouTube etc.

You can embed entire notes using ![[Internal links]], but I think you are looking to embed sections of one note in another note. You could combine the embed like above, but then link to a specific heading or a specific block. e.g.

embed a link to a heading →

  • ![[Three laws of motion#Second law]]

embed a link to a block →

  • ![[2023-01-01#^37066d]] or
  • ![[2023-01-01#^quote-of-the-day]].

For Page Preview, you can hover over a link or the note name in the Files tab. Depending on your settings, you may need to cmd/ctrl + hover to get the pop-up.

CleanShot 2024-01-08 at 17.56.54

Thanks so much for your help, but using that model doesn’t display the quote as your example does. Am I missing something?

Apologies, I quickly copied the link to a heading and link to a block examples from the help page without the !, indicating an embed.

Give it a try with a ! before the link. e.g.


Thanks! That was what was missing!
Fixed now!

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