Embedding blockquotes

I start a blockquote with a ‘>’ and write some text. I then start a new line with >>, and the new text appears as a blockquote within the original blockquote, as a level 2 blockquote.
However, if I then edit the line to one ‘>’ this does not result in returning to level 1 blockquote.
In other words I cannot embed a blockquote to a blockquote, I can only piggyback it.
I wonder if there is a workaround, since I really need this, especially combined with callouts. So for example I could write:

[!quote] quoting something
blah, blah,

[!note]- a note about that
blah, blah, continuing the note…
note ended, continuing the quote

Any ideas? or possibility of implementation?

What I’m trying to do

Not sure what you want to accomplish…

i believe what u need is an “empty line” within the blockquote exactly after the 2nd blockquote. here’s an example

> [!quote] quoting something
> blah, blah,
>> [!note]- a note about that
>> blah, blah, continuing the note…
> continuing the quote on the 1st level quote
> blah, blah

the single quote without any text is important to indicate the end of nested blockquote/callout


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