Embedding a pdf file

I cannot find out how to embed a pdf file (pdf already in the Vault in a folder) in a note
Can someone post the code to do it?

See Help → How To → Embed files.

? Thank you i can read … And its not working for pdf

What have you tried? Perhaps you can post an example of the text/syntax here.

The above-mentioned link says:

Everything except for PDFs can be embedded.

If you’re trying to achieve something else, be more clear in your question!

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Well, when I drag and drop a PDF, it is ‘embedded’ and copied into the attachments folder though needs a PDF reader to open it. Depends on precise definition of embedding being used.

Manual may be out of date, or not clear enough about exactly what happens.

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I was wondering today if I could embed a PDF that is hosted as a webpage online.

It would be useful, because if the PDF and its online webpage is updated, then I would need to review my source and update it.

I have tried two methods that have not rendered the PDF in preview mode
<iframe src="https://d30b7srod7pe7m.cloudfront.net/uploads/2020/08/Figure_Managing-acute-asthma-in-adults_web.pdf"></iframe>

![Managing acute asthma in clinical settings - Adults] (https://d30b7srod7pe7m.cloudfront.net/uploads/2020/08/Figure_Managing-acute-asthma-in-adults_web.pdf)

Thank you if anyone is able to assist.

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I see your thinking here, but in my experience, a new PDF is never re-uploaded to the identical URL. In the example you provide, for instance, it looks like the service is using Cloudfront as a Content Delivery Network (CDN). I suspect the CDN would use a different URL to serve up the content, even if the author changes the same PDF “file” on their site.

Hi @ryanjamurphy, that makes sense.

The other benefit of embedding a webpage hosted PDF rather than a local source would be in order to reduce the increasing size of my attachments folder.


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For sure. In either case, you may want to submit something to #feature-requests specific to web-hosted PDFs. Be sure to use the template, but feel free to copy and paste text from your ideas here.

I regularly have to drag in pdf files into my Obsidian folder, but as so many have found Obsidian can not search and link to the pdf file, ok it can read it, bit as of yet no link. So my workaround is to create a new file and add a a header title with some space added below, I then add the pdf, just by dragging in the pdf file. Then I start adding a key of searchable terms, I can find in the PDF. if there is one I add an index and if its an academic paper I often copy the abstract, that will so often contain most of the information I need to link and search on. # tags are interesting an add a different level of linking and search. It does not take long to add an enormous amount of information so I tend to keep it tight and only add what I need to. Until someone makes a workable add-on, this is my best workaround.

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