Embed Xmind Files that exist within the Vault

I use xmind for mind maps. I am not able to embed .xmind files created using xmind on my obsidian which already exists within the vault. I think this functionality can be introduced using this repository but I don’t have knowledge on developing obsidian plugins.

I prefer to have a plugin similar to excalidraw developed by @zsviczian . So that I can both edit and embed xmind files within my obsidian vault without going outside. Anyway for now at least I am in need of the functionality of embedding my existing .xmind files. It would be a great help if someone could help me in this. And I think this will be helpful for many users.

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I use Freeplane for my mind maps, but have recently just been using Obsidian.

I can export my mind maps as .md markdown files from Freeplane.

In Obsidian I use the MarkMind plugin.

I absolutely love the basic free version that lets me edit in either markdown or mindmap mode(incl. drag&drop) by pressing “Alt + M”

DOCS: Obsidian markmind docs

In Markmind’s settings you can set the kind of Markdown that generates a mindmap(nodes/headings 0-6 - default is 2).[SEE PS below]

I’m trying to use this setup instead of my Freeplane one.

I also use the outliner plugin


PS: MarkMind sets default “Max level of node to create a Heading” to “2”

## Sub title
- Sub title
    - Sub title
        - Sub title
            - Sub title
## Sub title
- Sub title
    - Sub title
        - Sub title
            - Sub title

I’ve changed my setting to “0” as I prefer to not have Headings, just a hyphenated unordered list.

    - Sub title
        - Sub title
            - Sub title
                - Sub title
                    - Sub title
    - Sub title
        - Sub title
            - Sub title
                - Sub title
                    - Sub title

However when I need to have markdown with Headings [#,##,###,####,#####,######) same as Freeplane produces on export, all I need to do is set “Max level of node to create a Heading” to “6” and ADD a single node WHEN IN MINDMAP mode, for MarkMind to convert everything(works in the other direction also)

## Sub title
### Sub title
#### Sub title
##### Sub title
###### Sub title
## Sub title
### Sub title
#### Sub title
##### Sub title
###### Sub title

Don’t forget to set default “Max level of node to create a Heading” back to your “favorite” level, else all your existing files will be altered the next time you edit them in mindmap mode.

This is a great solution. I will consider using this for any simple mindmap. But xmind has some extra features such as floating Topic, Different types of Tree Diagrams and Styles. Can customize the look and feel to highlight important stuffs. And also can fold the nodes when not required to see it fully. So I like to have something for xmind.

Screenshot 2023-07-24 141452

EDIT: sorry the below doesn’t help you at all for your local xmind files.
Hopefully somebody else can help you with the XMind Embed Viewer that you mentioned.

Good news, kind of - tried this with xmind.works(old imported MindMeister mind map); I’ll try and see how this would work with a local xmind mind map.

Open an Obsidian Canvas
Right-click “add web page” …
Google Photos


install Open Gate plugin
Google Photos

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What is this URL? How to create this URL?
Hopefully it’s the available localization software xmind.
Not this looks like the web version http://xmind.ai

I am using web versions for these examples … as I pointed out above:
“sorry the below doesn’t help you at all for your local xmind files.”

here is a more recent post I made on Reddit, using to illustrate … MindMeister, Taskade, xmind.ai, and Gitmind.

Open a new Obsidian Canvas
Right-click “add web page” …
(e.g. https://www.mindmeister.com/app/folders)


install Open Gate plugin
Open Gate: Create new gate
(e.g. https://www.mindmeister.com/app/folders)



… which has many views: list, kanban, mind_map etc.
markdown import & export






PS: Personally I use …

Gitmind occasionally as …
… I can easily switch & edit in mindmap, outline or combo mode.

… use it to enter info into Obsidian that I gathered in Gitmind on a different device.
… can import local xmind file.

Obsidian-markmind Plugin mainly …
free basic version that lets one …
edit in either markdown or mindmap mode

by pressing “Alt + M”.

has drag&drop
mindmap mode: Expand to node level … “Alt + 2” … “Alt + 9”<- all
markdown mode: Fold & Unfold All/Part: hotkeys (e.g. “Alt + LeftArrow” … etc)
One can also use it to get a table representation:

[markmind docs]