Embed tags

strange… can you paste the exact content of your css snippet?

You should of course replace #event by the tag you want to hide, as I explained above and also in my original post!

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sorry, sorry…
i create multiple coppies of this .css
or… create multiple commands in the same file file like
first, date, name, qualifier, bla bla bla … ???

nvm it works perfectly, thanx a ton. :pray:

basically this.

a.tag[href="#qualifier"] {
display: none;

a.tag[href="#ranking"] {
display: none;

a.tag[href="#date"] {
display: none;

a.tag[href="#name"] {
display: none;

a.tag[href="#place"] {
display: none;

and it goes on… i’ll keep adding more as i need.
this is PERFECT.


This method disappears the tag. It is OK in this case.
But, does anybody know such a method, which shows just the tag text without #, for example with other colours.
Prev. : The #cat is #red.
New: The cat is red. (and the cat and red is red coloured)

It is much easier to read.


You can get rid of the # with the following code:

span.cm-formatting.cm-formatting-hashtag.cm-hashtag-begin.cm-hashtag.cm-meta {
    font-size: 0px;

However, this only works in edit mode; I am not aware of a css-based solution for preview mode.


I tried, but failed. Nothing changed. I tried font-size and color.
Do you have any opinion.

This should work in preview mode.

a.tag[href="#cat"] {
	font-size: 0;
a.tag[href="#cat"]::before {
	content: "cat";
	font-size: initial;

@eatondpe This works but you have to define it for each single tag, I guess?

Unfortunately, yes. :slightly_frowning_face: At least with CSS.

I’m new to Obsidian and to CSS. I followed the steps and have no results, the tags are there in the preview.

Can you help me?