Embed hyperlink into image/icon

Things I have tried

I am new to obsidian and posting so please forgive my lack of knowledge. I am trying to embed a link in an image/icon.

Since the syntax for embedding a hyperlink into text is (Note: I do not know how to post markup language so you’ll have to forigve my translation → sqb = square bracket, rb = round bracket)

sqb text sqb rb hyperlink rb

I have tried

sqb !sqb sqb image sqb sqb sqb rb hyperlink rb

But what I get is sqb actual_image sqb rb hyperlink rb

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to make it so that I do not need text, instead an image/icon I can click on that will take me to the hyperlink. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Try copying and pasting this:




Thanks for the assist! That worked for the most part but for some odd reason when I go into read mode it puts the icon link below the image instead of next to it. Is there something I can do to fix that?

Do you mean like the lower of the two images in the grab attached? That’s only because the cursor is still in the line. Or are you seeing something else?



This is a strange issue I am running into. If I use a link from website I get the same result as you do (image and a hyperlink next to it - the square box with an arrow). If I use a link from my images folder from my vault it puts that hyperlink box image underneath the image.

I am getting inconsistent issues with this because now I sometimes have the hyperlink box icon above the image. How can I post my snippet of code so it doesn’t get treated as markup-language?


Does this look okay in reading mode? (Live format might look less than perfect.)


You can add code blocks with three backticks above and below:





This is fantastic. It may not look great in editing but it works consistently in live! Thanks for your help!!

Great. Although someone might come up with a better solution…


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